We don’t have a minister. Instead, we rely on Fellowship members, like Rick Spradlin, to lead services, and we often have guest speakers from the community at large. Visitors are always welcome.
Rick is our lay leader. He’s a long-time student of comparative religion. His talks are centered on one of the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism. Key concepts include reason, tolerance and freedom and also respect, compassion and love. Our services also include readings, music, meditation and opportunities (always optional) to share your ideas and what’s going on in your life.
We meet in person Sundays at 11 a.m., with safety measures in place. (See below.) Service are in spacious Grace Fellowship Hall on our campus on the banks for the Heiferhorn Creek in north Columbus. (It’s at 8827 Heiferhorn Way.) We welcome people of all faith traditions and ethical systems that recognize and respect the dignity of all people.
If human rights and care for our planet are important to you, you’ll find friends here. Our motto: deeds before creeds.
For more information, email us at [email protected] and put “Sunday service question” in the subject line.
Our Pandemic Safety Measures
- Masks are optional now, but we have a section for those who still want to mask up.
- Seating has been changed to make social distancing easier, and we encourage everyone to maintain social distancing.
- We’ve increased ventilation in Grace Fellowship Hall.
- Our members and friends have been vaccinated for COVID-19. We urge visitors to get vaccinated.
- We do have music, but for now we don’t sing together.
- Speakers and service leaders don’t wear masks at the podium, which is quite distant from the congregation. Everyone else, mask up!
- Guests are welcome. Please do follow our pandemic guidelines.