Rick Spradlin is a frequent speaker at our Sunday services. His last talk, “The Sanctity of Questioning,” earned him a standing ovation. Now we’re looking forward to seeing how he’ll apply his non-traditional approach to “sanctity” to the institution of marriage.
Aug. 6 also s the first Sunday of the month, so we’ll have a potluck hot-dish lunch after the service. If you’re a visitor, just bring your appetite. We’ll have plenty of food, and you’ll have a great opportunity to learn what we’re all about.
Rick is a longtime educator and a lifelong student of philosophy, religion and ethical systems. In the coming months we expect he’ll develop talks along these and other related themes. Rick also a member of our Board of Directors, he’s a past president of the Fellowship and most recently he has served as vice president for Adult Religious Education.
Rick teaches at Johnson Elementary School in Columbus.He earned a bachelor’s degree in special education at Jacksonville State University in Jacksonville, Ala., and a master’s degree in education from Columbus State University.
Sundays are always busy at our Fellowship. Children’s Religious Education is on break until September, but childcare is available from 9:30 a.m. until noon every Sunday. Here’s the rest of the activities:
9:30 a.m. Adult Religious Education.
10:00 a.m. UU Singers practice.
10:30 a.m. Coffee, refreshments and conversation before the service.