Fellowship member Ron Ussery continues his exploration of The Book of Revelations, guided by Bart D. Ehrman’s book, “Armageddon: What the Bible Really Says About The End .” It’s about the consequences of “expecting imminent apocalypse.”
Sunday services start at 11 a.m., but join us early for coffee and conversation. Visitors are always welcome at our liberal, progressive Fellowship. We value “deeds before creeds,” and our members come from many faith and philosophical traditions. We’re bound together by respect for human rights and care for the planet we all share.
Ron Ussery is retired—sort of—from careers as a journalist, magazine editor, public relations specialist, personnel manager, bank trust officer and, finally, as an educator and multimedia specialist. He’s also a world traveler and a lifelong student, with interests in philosophy, history, comparative religion and other topics. And he’s a founding member of our UU No Wrong Turns Bicycle Club.
Topics: Apocalypse, The Apocalypse