Sanjay Lal on: “Staying Both Sane and Politically Interested”

Given the times we live in, this Sunday’s talk promises to be relevant and useful.

Dr. Sanjay Lal, right, with one of Santa’s helpers.

Dr. Sanjay Lal is a senior lecturer in philosophy at Clayton State University in Morrow, Ga. He’s also a long-time friend of our Fellowship who is well versed in Unitarian Universalist principles.

Here’s a rundown of all our Sunday morning activities:

  • 9:30 a.m. until noon. Childcare is available at no charge.
  • 9:30 a.m. Adult Religious Education.
  • 10:00 a.m. UU Singers practice. All voices are welcome. (We also practice Wednesdays at 6 p.m.)
  • 10:15 a.m. Coffee and conversation before the service.
  • 10:45 a.m. The Sunday service, which includes a talk by a guest speaker or member of our Fellowship. This week it’s Dr. Lal.
  • 10:55 a.m.  Children’s Religious Education. Kids join us for the first few minutes of each Sunday service, which includes a children’s story, then that adjourn to a classroom for their own activities.
  • Special note: at 4:30 p.m. we’ll have another UU Free Concert, this time featuring our accompanists Hongling Liang and Koki Sato, presenting an ambitious four-hand piano program. Hongling and Koki both are star students at the School School of Music. You will not be dissapointed.