Guest speakers Connor King and Cody Collyer will talk about The Revolution Project, a small but growing “army of activists” created in Columbus, Georgia. They advocate for human rights—including reproductive rights, peace in Palestine and a unique approach to prison reform.

Sunday services begin at 11 a.m., but join us early for coffee and conversation.
Visitors and guests are always welcome at our liberal, progressive Fellowship. Services include a talk by a member of the Fellowship or a guest speaker. They also include music, meditation, readings and optional opportunities to share your thoughts. And we’re done by noon.
Unitarian Universalism is an unusual religion. For example, we don’t share a creed. Our Fellowship’s members include Christians, Jews, Buddhists and subscribers to earth-centered traditions. We also have humanists, agnostics, atheists and people who resist labels. What we do share are commitments to respect the worth and dignity of all people and to respect the planet we share. In short, be nice and clean up after yourself.
See us Sunday for details. If you’re unsatisfied with other organized religions, you might find a home here. (Full disclosure: we’re not that organized.)
Topics: Activism, Prison Reform