Guest speakers Brad Barnes and Jenn Collins of Dew Point Farm report that about 21 percent of people in Columbus don’t know how their next meal is getting to the table. They’ll talk about how even a tiny garden can help take a bite out of the problem.

We meet in person Sundays at 11 a.m., with safety measures in place. (See below.) Services are in spacious Grace Fellowship Hall on our campus on the banks for the Heiferhorn Creek in north Columbus. It’s at 8827 Heiferhorn Way. We welcome people of all faiths (and even non-faith ethics systems), as long as they respect the dignity of all people.
Brad Barnes was a career journalist and a marketing expert, and Jenn Collins was a computer programmer and manager. The couple began pursuing a simple-living ethos, more than 15 years ago.
In 2019, after Jenn earned a master’s degree in environmental science and worked at Jenny Jack Farm for three years, the two of them launched Dew Point Farm. This tiny urban farm in MidTown Columbus aims to put first-class produce onto the plates of those who struggle to access fresh, healthy food.
Our Fellowship’s informal motto is, deeds before creeds, so Brad Barnes and Jenn Collins will fit right in. They point out that when healthy, organically grown food is an expensive luxury, even those who don’t suffer from “food insecurity” resort to low-nutrition sources for calories. They’re taking action to alleviate inadequate nutrition in Columbus.
For more information about this service and others, email us at [email protected] and put “Sunday service question” in the subject line.
Our Pandemic Safety Measures
- Masks are required for all our indoor events.
- Seating has been changed to make social distancing easier.
- Speakers and service leaders don’t wear masks at the podium, which is even more socially distant.
- All our members and friends have been vaccinated for COVID-19. We urge visitors to get vaccinated.
- We do have music, but we don’t sing together.
- Refreshments are not served before or after services.
- Guests are welcome, but please do follow alls our pandemic guidelines.
Topics: agriculture, food insecurity, Hunger