Warren B. Steele II, our guest speaker, started the Muscogee County chapter of the Ferst Readers program in 2012. Ferst Readers promotes early childhood literacy and helps prepare Georgia preschoolers for reading and learning success.
We meet in person Sundays at 11 a.m., with pandemic safety measures in place. (See below.) Services are centered on a talk by a Fellowship member or a guest speaker, and they also include music, readings and a little meditation. We are guided by the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism.
Warren Steele graduated from Harvard University with a degree in psychology and social relations in 1984. After graduation, he joined Aflac, and he retired in 2004 as senior vice president for U.S. marketing. But he didn’t stop working. He has served on boards of directors of several local and statewide nonprofits, including Piedmont Columbus Regional Health Board, which he chaired the board from 2014 to 2019. He currently serves on the board of the Muscogee Educational Excellence Foundation.

He is currently chair of Ferst Readers local Community Action Team, and he’s on the Ferst Readers board. He also works with Columbus 2025 as the equity and mobility chair and with the Chattahoochee Valley Poverty Reduction Coalition.
In 2019, Warren was honored by the Rotary Club of Columbus with the Dan Reed award, given to a non-rotarian for “service above self.” Warren Steele a community leader whose work is closely aligned with principles our Fellowship supports.
Topics: Literacy