UUFC President’s Letter June 18, 2021

UUFC President’s Letter

June 18, 2021

Dear UUFC Members and Friends,

How wonderful it has been to meet in-person for our Sunday Services the last four Sundays. Our joy is reconnecting with old friends and welcoming three new members: Eric Maddox , Pat Rankin, and Ray Rankin. Visitors have also come from near and far to join us, so we have much to be thankful for. 

As we transition to in-person meetings and Sunday Services, our Technology Team will have less complex and time-consuming tasks, but they will still record the Sunday Service speaker’s presentation, the reading, and the music for posting on YouTube. Bill Harlan, David Rush, Ron Ussery and Elise Leonard have been essential in managing Zoom and YouTube for the past year, so we are grateful for their major roles during the pandemic and appreciate their willingness to continue recording the Sunday Service.

Zoom Changes

The Board, with advice from the Technology Team, decided that Zoom was no longer needed on Sundays as participation dwindled from five to zero in the past few weeks. 

The Wednesday Night Discussion now meets in-person only at the Meeting House at 7 p.m.

The Friday Lunch Group is back to meeting in-person only at 12:30 in the Mandarin Cafe at 6100 Veteran’s Parkway.

What’s New?

Care Team – The Congregational Care Committee is forming a Care Team to support members who are grieving or experiencing other difficulties. Contact: Joyce Hickson.

No Wrong Turns Bikers – A group of UU bicyclists, who ride together 2-3 times a week, have recently named their group. Everyone is invited to join. Contact: Hal Midgette.

Green Thumbs – Helpers are needed to maintain the Meditation Garden and walking trails. Contact: Hal Midgette.

Security – Cornerstone Security Systems is our new security provider. Opening and closing the building are much easier now, and cameras view and record the building exterior. 

Neighbors’ Request

Some of our Heiferhorn neighbors have politely asked that we drive slowly to our Fellowship. Please be mindful of children and pets.  The speed limit in a residential area is 30 mph.


On the third Sunday of each month, we give away the plate (GATP).

Offerings not designated for another use will go to the charity of the month.  June’s GATP is for Paz Amigos, supporting immigrant detainees released from the Lumpkin Detention Center.

Sunday, June 27, our in-person Service will begin at 11:45 a.m.  We will live stream the UUA Assembly’s Service, which is timed to reach all time zones across America.                                                                                                       

Covid Precautions

We continue to follow CDC guidelines. Masks are optional for those two weeks past being fully vaccinated. For others, masks should be worn and social distance maintained.

Our Childcare/Children’s Religious Exploration and Adult Exploration are temporarily suspended. 

Coffee and food are temporarily not available.

For questions or more information, please contact me ([email protected] or 706.577.9242 for text) or Office Administrator Brenda Stevens ([email protected]) .  Stay well and hope to see you soon.

In fellowship,

Hal Midgette

President, UUFC