Letter from President, Connie Ussery
March, 2023
Greetings on this beautiful week of Spring weather. I hope you are outside and enjoying the sunshine, and the flowers, and the pollen (alas).
This Sunday, please welcome our new member, Scott May, who lives in Newnan but drives down to join us most every Sunday. He will add his name to our membership list, but he is already familiar with our religion, having been a member of UU congregations in the past. He has also worked to benefit our Social Action initiative to support foreign Schwob Music School. Scott has met with the fledgling UU group in Carrollton to offer our support as they form what could become a new congregation. He has lots of ideas and energy. Be sure you get to know Scott May.
Dr Joyce Hickson awarded a certificate of appreciation to Pat and John Hart for all they have done to help this fellowship succeed. The Design Team is creating a plaque to be placed in Grace Hall to honor them as well.
Sunday programs are wonderful. If you missed Bill Harlan’s program on Beethoven’s Third Symphony, you missed the creativity and art that members like Bill and Whittaker Locke can offer us. Be sure to join us live every Sunday. Coffee, tea and refreshments are back!
We all know about the huge tree that crashed into our pavilion the night of Feb. 8.
As of today, workmen have stabilized the building, and we are ready to paint the exposed wood, replace one LED pole light, replace roof panels, replace iron railings, tear up and replace most exterior concrete.
Hal and Ron oversaw every step of assessments and repairs. Other board members were quick to vote for emergency funding. Orm helped find the best professionals at the best price, and I checked in as needed, sometimes even when not.
New Social Action Initiative. Many foreign students come to Schwob Music School with few connections and fewer resources to establish a comfortable living space in the housing that Schwob offers them. We will be helping with that as our Social Action committee considers ways to support these students who are sometimes refugees as well. We promote Schwob Music School events as some of the most opportunities for edification in our community.
Be part of UUFC Social and Support Opportunities
Mar 5 and 12—Girl Scout cookie sales (Maggie Rochefort)
March 5—First Sunday Pot Luck—Our first pot luck since reopening and we are so happy to be back together.
March 16—Women’s Group, 5 Cascade Rd. 11:30 a.m. Look for reminders from Office Administrator
March 20—Earth-Centered Group meets 7:00 in Meditation Garden (more about this to come)
April 1, 8 AM—Strut the Hooch practice time (more info to come) Parade for no reason but fun.
Sign up sheet is on Table in morning coffee area and get out your goofiest costume ideas to make a lasting impression. (If you are part of the roller coast, think waist up costume because the roller coaster costume covers you from waist down.) It’s usually a very small, weird crowd on the sidewalks to watch and cheer. We also throw beads and/or candy.
June 3—ColGay Pride Festival—we are a sponsor (more info soon)
UUA June 21-23—UUA General Assembly, Pittsburgh
Online or In-person. https://www.uua.org/ga
NOTE:: UUA is offering online registration for free “business only” meetings.
I hope you see you in fellowship soon, Connie