UUFC President’s Letter
November 18, 2021
Dear UUFC Members and Friends,
Through cooperation and consideration, we have kept our masks on and gotten vaccinated, and many have gotten their booster shots, thus ensuring that we can continue to meet in person for Sunday Services in Grace Fellowship Hall. While Covid-19 is the primary threat, please don’t forget to get your flu shots also.
2021 Annual Board Election
According to our Bylaws, three candidates for three two-year trustee positions will be elected at our Annual Business Meeting Sunday, December 12, 2021. As announced by emails and at Sunday Services, nominations closed at the end of the November 16 Board Meeting. Four candidates have agreed to run for the three positions: Judy Barnett, Joyce Hickson, Elise Leonard, and Barbara Owens. The election, which will follow the December 12 Service, will be in-person, and printed paper ballots will be provided to members. Also, the Business Meeting will include possible changes to the Bylaws and a vote on the budget for the new year.
Planning for the Future
Earlier, the Board thought it prudent to sequester money for the possibility of having to reroof Grace Fellowship Hall. During the pandemic, donations have been lower at times, but at the same time there has been a decrease in operating expenses. As a result, we are on the plus side of our operating funds. Because current inflation is running at around 6%, our sequestered funds, if left in a bank account, would be losing close to that 6% per year. The Board unanimously voted to place some of these funds in securities that offer higher returns than current inflation. We expect to achieve that higher return with a stock portfolio that is focused on high yielding issues, supplemented by some exposure to growth. More details will be provided about the budget at the Annual Meeting.
Let there be Light
Ron Ussery has been busy with a certified electrician installing LED overhead lighting in Grace Fellowship Hall, a new electrical outlet in the Sound Room, a new exit light sign in the Meeting House, and a light switch inside by the entrance to the Meeting House so the lights can be turned on upon entering.
Caring for others
Our Care Team and Little Food Pantry are dedicated to helping those in need. Help yourself to whatever food you can use from the back kitchen. There is a blue box in the library for leaving a message for the Care Team.
Attendance at Annual Meeting
According to our Bylaws, we need to have a quorum of Fellowship members present December 12 in order to conduct business, which includes voting on our new budget. I hope to see you there.
Best wishes to all for a happy Thanksgiving!
In fellowship,
Hal Midgette 706-577-9242
UUFC President