UUFC President’s Letters March 26, 2020

President’s Letter

Thursday, March 26, 2020
Greetings during this strange time of opportunity, angst, and caution.

Hello Fellow UU’s,
I hope this second letter from the UUFC finds you healthy, safe, not bored, and taking this time of isolation to learn and grow.  We are all challenged by the need to get food, toiletries, and other items for basic functioning, especially when we have to operate at a social distance.  All of this runs so counter to how we humans have evolved as social animals.  Individually, we would never have survived on the savanna of Africa.  It took that special social glue to make us a tribe.  We are now asked to distance ourselves, and that really is difficult because it runs counter to millions of years of evolution.  Luckily we have alternate ways to compensate: phones, computers, and television.  All of this doesn’t fully compensate for the richness of community, but that will return.  We just need patience.   Have hope and continue to reach and take this rare opportunity to stretch your minds.  As Michelangelo said in his later years:  “I am still learning.”

The Fellowship’s office is still operating, with Brenda Stevens, the UUFC secretary and wonder person holding it all together.  She is either working from home or coming in to UU as needed.  Treasurer Ron Ussery continues his duties paying the various bills, and processing pledges/donations.  Please remember nothing can be mailed directly to our Fellowship on Heiferhorn Way, so  ALL mail goes to P.O. Box 698,  Fortson, GA 31808.   

With the COVID-19 cloud over our heads, things  still continue to progress at the Fellowship.  Ron Ussery has coordinated with Mediacom and now we can expect Mediacom 100 MBps internet and phone services within 20 – 90 days.  For the Fellowship, this is huge and will offer many capabilities and reduce what we currently pay for internet and phone services.

The cul de sac construction continues, with earthmover and materials assembling.  

Bill Harlan ([email protected]) has initiated the use of Zoom, an internet video communication technology, for our UU Wednesday Night Discussion Group.  It worked, with about ten people joining to talk about the situation.  It was community, and there was laughter and sharing.  Applause to Bill for his initiative.  If you want to join for the next Wednesday Night Discussion Group, please contact Bill Harlan, phone or text at 605.390.0590.   

There will be a YouTube UUFC service for this Sunday by Rick Spradlin.  It is scheduled for videoing and posting on Saturday.  A link will be emailed to the congregation (members and friends). 

I would like to continue our Joys and Concerns.  If you have any that you would like to share, please send them to me, not Brenda, at [email protected].  I will copy and paste them together and through Brenda, share them with the community.  

In fellowship, 
Hal Midgette
UUFC President