On Sunday, Dec. 20, we’ll explore Christmas from unique perspectives. The Adult Religious Education session will focus on pagan origins of Christmas and other Christian holidays. In our Sunday service, the UU Singers will present “Go Tell it on the Mountain: the UU Story of Christmas.” In song and story, with help from Stephen Nissenbaum’s “The Battle for Christmas,” they’ll explain how Unitarians and Universalists helped shape the way we celebrate Christmas today. (We think you’ll be surprised.)
Wednesday, Dec. 16
6 p.m. UU singers practice. All voices welcome.
7 p.m. Discussion Group. This week’s topic is immigration. All opinions welcome.
Friday, Dec. 18
12:30 p.m. UU media lunch. Started by retired journalists, the group now welcomes anyone interested in media. (And who isn’t?) We meet at various restaurants. For details, call Bill Harlan at 605.390.0590 (mobile).
Sunday, Dec. 20
The third Sunday of every month we give away the collection plate. Child care is available from 9:30 a.m. until noon.
9:30 a.m. Adult Religious Education: This month, “Pagan Origins of Christian Holidays.”
10:40 a.m. Sunday service. This week, the UU Singers present “Go Tell it on the Mountain: the UU story of Christmas.”
10:40 a.m. Children’s Program. This week, an art lesson.
All events at our campus at 8827 Heiferhorn Way unless otherwise noted.