What’s happening the week of Aug. 22-28

UUFC member Nikki Rohrs created this stained glass, which illustrates the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism.
UUFC member Nikki Rohrs created this stained glass, which illustrates the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism.

Tuesday, Aug. 23
5:30 p.m. Women’s Book Club, this month discussing True Love by Robert Fulham.

Wednesday, Aug. 24
7 p.m. Discussion Group. Topic: “Living in the Danger Zone.”

Friday, Aug. 26
12:30 p.m. at Caffe Amici in Columbus. UU Media Lunch. Created by former journalists, but open to everyone, we discuss a range of topics then solve the problems of the world. RSVP to Bill Harlan (605 390-0590, mobile, text ok) so we’ll know how big a table to get.

Sunday, August 28
Childcare is available from 9:30 a.m. until noon. Visitors always welcome.

9:30 a.m. Adult Religious Education. Rick Spradlin leads this week’s topic, “The Life of Buddha.”***
10:30 a.m. Coffee, light refreshments and conversation.
10:45 a.m. Sunday service. The speaker will be Gayle Alston, director of the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving. Her talk: “Family Caregivers: The Backbone of Our Health System.”
10:50 a.m. Children’s Religious Education. The kids join us for the first part of the service, which includes a children’t story, then they adjourn to a classroom for their own activities. This week’s topic is “Heroes.”

*** REMINDER: On Sunday, Sept. 11, we’ll begin a new series of Adult Religious Education sessions called “Building Your Own Theology.” This course promises to be a great way to think about principles, values and core beliefs. The sign-up sheet for workbooks is available at Grace Fellowship Hall. Workbooks will be ordered Sept. 1.