This month’s theme is “Celebrating the Arts.” Sunday’s program will be “Liturgical Dance.” Here are the week’s activities.
Wednesday, Feb.15
6 p.m. UU Singers this week
7 p.m. Wednesday Night Discussion Group. Topic: “What Should Our Immigration Policy Be?”
Thursday, Feb.16
7 p.m. Exploring Spirituality Group. Spirituality is always a hot topic among Unitarian Universalists.
Friday, Feb.17
12:30 p.m. Friday Lunch Group, meeting at Mandarin Café, on Veterans Parkway near the Mellow Mushroom. We talk about (mostly) current events. The group was started by journalists. Later we recruited a historian, a doctor, a lawyer, a couple of community activists, some professors…well, you get the picture. Anyone can come.
Sunday, Feb. 19, 2017
Childcare is available from 9:30 a.m. until noon. We give away the collection plate on the third Sunday of the month. This month’s recipient is Mission Columbus.
9:30 a.m. Adult Religious Education: “Kabbalah and the Inner Life of God”, led by Rick Spradlin.
10:30 a.m. Coffee and conversation before the service.
10:45 a.m. Sunday Service. “Liturgical Dance,” presented by Isiah Harper, who is the director of theater at Northside High School, director of Summer Theater for Girls, Inc., and an educational consultant for the River Center for the Performing Arts.
10:50 a.m. Children’s Religious Education: “Art Lesson” with Paul Lee. (Kids join us for the first few minutes of the main service, which includes a children’s story, then they adjourn to a classroom for their own activities.